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write_doc_audit() creates a roxygen2 block section to be inserted into the documentation of a mapper function such as grim_map() or debit_map(): functions for which there are, or should be, audit() methods. The section informs users about the ways in which audit() summarizes the results of the respective mapper function.

Copy the output from your console and paste it into the roxygen2 block of your *_map() function. To preserve the numbered list structure when indenting roxygen2 comments with Ctrl+Shift+/, leave empty lines between the pasted output and the rest of the block.


write_doc_audit(sample_output, name_test)



Data frame. Result of a call to audit() on a data frame that resulted from a call to the mapper function for which you wrote the audit() method, such as audit(grim_map(pigs1)) or audit(debit_map(pigs3)).


String (length 1). Name of the consistency test which the mapper function applies, such as "GRIM" or "DEBIT".


A string vector formatted by glue::glue().


# Start by running `audit()`:
out_grim  <- audit(grim_map(pigs1))
out_debit <- audit(debit_map(pigs3))

#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>   incons_cases all_cases incons_rate mean_grim_ratio incons_to_ratio
#>          <int>     <int>       <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
#> 1            8        12       0.667           0.724           0.921
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: testable_cases <int>, testable_rate <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   incons_cases all_cases incons_rate mean_x mean_sd distinct_n
#>          <int>     <int>       <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>      <int>
#> 1            1         7       0.143  0.474   0.403          1

# Documenting the `audit()` method for `grim_map()`:
write_doc_audit(sample_output = out_grim, name_test = "GRIM")
#> #' @section Summaries with `audit()`: There is an S3 method for `audit()`, so 
#> #'   you can call `audit()` following `grim_map()` to get a summary of 
#> #'   `grim_map()`'s results. It is a tibble with a single row and these 
#> #'   columns -- 
#> #' 
#> #' 1. `incons_cases`: number of GRIM-inconsistent value sets.
#> #' 2. `all_cases`: total number of value sets.
#> #' 3. `incons_rate`: proportion of GRIM-inconsistent value sets.
#> #' 4. `mean_grim_ratio`: 
#> #' 5. `incons_to_ratio`: 
#> #' 6. `testable_cases`: 
#> #' 7. `testable_rate`: 

# Documenting the `audit()` method for `debit_map()`:
write_doc_audit(sample_output = out_debit, name_test = "DEBIT")
#> #' @section Summaries with `audit()`: There is an S3 method for `audit()`, so 
#> #'   you can call `audit()` following `debit_map()` to get a summary of 
#> #'   `debit_map()`'s results. It is a tibble with a single row and these 
#> #'   columns -- 
#> #' 
#> #' 1. `incons_cases`: number of DEBIT-inconsistent value sets.
#> #' 2. `all_cases`: total number of value sets.
#> #' 3. `incons_rate`: proportion of DEBIT-inconsistent value sets.
#> #' 4. `mean_x`: 
#> #' 5. `mean_sd`: 
#> #' 6. `distinct_n`: