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Call debit_map() to use DEBIT on multiple combinations of mean, standard deviation, and sample size of binary distributions. Mapping function for debit().

For summary statistics, call audit() on the results.


  x = NULL,
  sd = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  rounding = "up_or_down",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE,
  show_rec = TRUE,
  extra = Inf



Data frame.

x, sd, n

Optionally, specify these arguments as column names in data.

rounding, threshold, symmetric

Arguments passed on to debit(), with the same defaults.


If set to FALSE, the resulting tibble only includes the columns x, sd, n, and consistency. Default is TRUE.


Not currently used.


A tibble with (at least) these columns --

  • x, sd, n: the inputs.

  • consistency: DEBIT consistency of x, sd, and n.

    By default, the tibble also includes the rounding method, boundary values, and information about the boundary values being inclusive or not. The tibble has the scr_debit_map class, which is recognized by the audit() generic.

Summaries with audit()

There is an S3 method for the audit() generic, so you can call audit() following debit_map(). It returns a tibble with these columns ---

  1. incons_cases: the number of DEBIT-inconsistent cases.

  2. all_cases: the total number of cases.

  3. incons_rate: the rate of inconsistent cases.

  4. mean_x: the mean x (mean) value.

  5. mean_sd: the mean sd value.

  6. distinct_n: the number of distinct n values.


Heathers, James A. J., and Brown, Nicholas J. L. 2019. DEBIT: A Simple Consistency Test For Binary Data.


# Call `debit_map()` on binary summary
# data such as these:
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   x     sd        n
#>   <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 0.53  0.50   1683
#> 2 0.44  0.50   1683
#> 3 0.77  0.42   1683
#> 4 0.19  0.35   1683
#> 5 0.34  0.47   1683
#> 6 0.93  0.25   1683
#> 7 0.12  0.33   1683

# The `consistency` column shows
# whether the values to its left
# are DEBIT-consistent:
pigs3 %>%
#> # A tibble: 7 × 11
#>   x     sd        n consistency rounding   sd_lower sd_incl_lower sd_upper
#>   <chr> <chr> <int> <lgl>       <chr>         <dbl> <lgl>            <dbl>
#> 1 0.53  0.50   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.495 TRUE             0.505
#> 2 0.44  0.50   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.495 TRUE             0.505
#> 3 0.77  0.42   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.415 TRUE             0.425
#> 4 0.19  0.35   1683 FALSE       up_or_down    0.345 TRUE             0.355
#> 5 0.34  0.47   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.465 TRUE             0.475
#> 6 0.93  0.25   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.245 TRUE             0.255
#> 7 0.12  0.33   1683 TRUE        up_or_down    0.325 TRUE             0.335
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: sd_incl_upper <lgl>, x_lower <dbl>, x_upper <dbl>

# Get test summaries with `audit()`:
pigs3 %>%
  debit_map() %>%
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   incons_cases all_cases incons_rate mean_x mean_sd distinct_n
#>          <int>     <int>       <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>      <int>
#> 1            1         7       0.143  0.474   0.403          1