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function_map_total_n() is the engine that powers functions such as grim_map_total_n(). It creates new, "factory-made" functions for consistency tests such as GRIM or GRIMMER. The new functions take reported summary statistics (e.g., means) and apply those tests in cases where only a total sample size is known, not group sizes.

This works by making disperse_total() create multiple pairs of hypothetical group sizes, all of which add up to the reported total. There need to be exactly two groups.

For background and more examples, see the total-n mapper section of Consistency tests in depth.


  .name_key_result = "consistency",
  .name_class = NULL,
  .dispersion = 0:5,
  .n_min = 1L,
  .n_max = NULL,
  .constant = NULL,
  .constant_index = NULL,



Function such as grim_map(), or one made by function_map(): It will be used to test columns in a data frame for consistency. Test results are logical and need to be contained in a column called consistency that is added to the input data frame. This modified data frame is then returned by .fun.


String. Names of the columns containing group-specific statistics that were reported alongside the total sample size(s). They will be tested for consistency with the hypothetical group sizes. Examples are "x" for GRIM and c("x", "sd") for DEBIT. In the data frame with reported group statistics that the manufactured function takes as an input, each will need to fan out like "x1", "x2", "sd1", and "sd2".


String (length 1). The name of the consistency test, such as "GRIM", to be optionally shown in a message when using the manufactured function.


(Experimental) Optionally, a single string that will be the name of the key result column in the output. Default is "consistency".


String. If specified, the tibbles returned by the manufactured function will inherit this string as an S3 class. Default is NULL, i.e., no extra class.

.dispersion, .n_min, .n_max, .constant, .constant_index

Arguments passed down to disperse_total(), using defaults from there.


These dots must be empty.


A function such as these:

Manufactured functionReported statisticsTest vignette
grimmer_map_total_n()"x", "sd"vignette("grimmer")
debit_map_total_n()"x", "sd"vignette("debit")

The factory-made function will also have dots, ..., to pass arguments down to .fun, i.e., the basic mapper function.


If functions created by function_map_total_n() are exported from other packages, they should be written as if they were created with purrr adverbs; see explanations there, and examples in the export section of Consistency tests in depth.

This function is a so-called function factory: It produces other functions, such as grim_map_total_n(). More specifically, it is a function operator because it also takes functions as inputs, such as grim_map(). See Wickham (2019), ch. 10-11.


The name of a function returned by function_map_total_n() should mechanically follow from that of the input function. For example, grim_map_total_n() derives from grim_map(). This pattern fits best if the input function itself is named after the test it performs on a data frame, followed by _map: grim_map() applies GRIM, grimmer_map() applies GRIMMER, etc.

Much the same is true for the classes of data frames returned by the manufactured function via the .name_class argument of function_map_total_n(). It should be the function's own name preceded by the name of the package that contains it, or by an acronym of that package's name. Therefore, some existing classes are scr_grim_map_total_n and scr_grimmer_map_total_n.


Bauer, P. J., & Francis, G. (2021). Expression of Concern: Is It Light or Dark? Recalling Moral Behavior Changes Perception of Brightness. Psychological Science, 32(12), 2042–2043.

Wickham, H. (2019). Advanced R (Second Edition). CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group.


# Function definition of `grim_map_total_n()`:
grim_map_total_n <- function_map_total_n(
  .fun = grim_map,
  .reported = "x",
  .name_test = "GRIM"