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Run this function after generating a sequence with seq_endpoint_df() or seq_distance_df() and testing it with one of scrutiny's mapping functions, such as grim_map(). It will rank the test's consistent and inconsistent results by their positions in the sequence.


seq_test_ranking(x, explain = TRUE)



Data frame.


If TRUE (the default), results come with an explanation.


A tibble (data frame). The function will also print an explanation of the results. See examples.


The function checks the provenance of the test results and throws a warning if it's not correct.


seq_distance_df(.from = "0.00", n = 50) %>%
  grim_map() %>%
#> Explanation:
#>  There are 5 consistent value sets, starting with row number 1 in the data
#>   frame created by `grim_map()`.
#>  All other value sets are inconsistent.
#>  The consistent sets lead the inconsistent ones by numbers of places from 1 to
#>   1 in the `grim_map()` data frame.
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>   consistent inconsistent lead_lag
#>        <int>        <int>    <int>
#> 1          1            2        1
#> 2          3            4        1
#> 3          5            6        1
#> 4          7            8        1
#> 5          9           10        1