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reround() takes one or more intermediate reconstructed values and rounds them in some specific way – namely, the way they are supposed to have been rounded originally, in the process that generated the reported values.

This function provides an interface to all of scrutiny's rounding functions as well as base::round(). It is used as a helper within scrutiny::grim(), scrutiny::grimmer(), and scrutiny::debit(); and it might find use in other places for consistency testing or reconstruction of statistical analyses.


  digits = 0L,
  rounding = "up_or_down",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE



Numeric. Vector of possibly original values.


Integer. Number of decimal places in the reported key values (i.e., mean or percentage within scrutiny::grim(), or standard deviation within scrutiny::grimmer()).


String. The rounding method that is supposed to have been used originally. See vignette("rounding-options"). Default is "up_or_down", which returns two values: x rounded up and down.


Integer. If rounding is set to "up_from", "down_from", or "up_from_or_down_from", threshold must be set to the number from which the reconstructed values should then be rounded up or down. Otherwise irrelevant. Default is 5.


Logical. Set symmetric to TRUE if the rounding of negative numbers with "up_or_down", "up", "down", "up_from_or_down_from", "up_from", or "down_from" should mirror that of positive numbers so that their absolute values are always equal. Otherwise irrelevant. Default is FALSE.


Numeric vector of length 1 or 2. (It has length 1 unless rounding is "up_or_down", "up_from_or_down_from", or"ceiling_or_floor", in which case it has length 2.)


reround() internally calls the appropriate rounding function(s) determined by the rounding argument. See vignette("rounding-options") for a complete list of values that rounding can take.

For the specific rounding functions themselves, see documentation at round_up(), round_ceiling(), and base::round().


# You can specify the rounding procedure:
reround(4.1679, digits = 2, rounding = "up")
#> [1] 4.17

# Default is roundding both up and down:
reround(4.1679, digits = 2)
#> [1] 4.17 4.17